Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - Les presentations des recits biographiques commenceront demain. Parents: I have been asked by the Dept. and the District to send some writing samples of my students work. I am very excited about this and I will be randomly selecting some students from both of my FILA classes. This week, I will send home the consent/permission form to do so. If your child has been selected and you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. The writing samples that I will be providing to both the Dept. and the District are copies of their "Recits Biographiques".

Sc.Nat - I handed back the Rubrique for their Biome Project. All students received them back today, don't forget to show Mom/Dad :) Students will also be having a Science Test next Thursday, December 16th. We started working on the Review Sheet today, and will continue on with the review tomorrow and Thursday in class. If they complete the Review Sheet and use that as their Study Guide, they will not have any problems with the Test next week. I am available for extra help at noon hour on the days that I don't have supervision which are Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. If you need help or just have a couple of questions, please come see me :)

All students in my homeroom went home with their Netbooks today. I also provided them with a copy of the Guidelines for Care and Use. Please continue to review these Guidelines with your child. I have explained to the students that it is important that they charge their netbooks upon arrival after school. Once they are done working with their netbooks in the evening, they are to shut down so that they save their battery power for the next day at school. Netbooks will only be charged during lunch hour in the nests so it is important that they come to school with them fully charged each day. As well, students were provided with their cases today. I would only like to see three items in their carrying case: their netbook, their cord/battery and their memory stick. Students are not to be putting pens, pencils, paper etc. in this carrying case. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.

Have a fantastic night,

Mme Jenkins

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