Monday, February 7, 2011

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. - Brochure Brainstorming
Maths - Revision - a remettre le 14 fevrier
Francais - La Correction et la memorisation du discours (cette semaine). Les discours commenceront la semaine prochaine.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework Mme Sprague

Math: Review Assignment is due on Monday, Feb. 14
Fraction booklet mark was passed back. Get it signed tonight.

French: Revise and edit speech. Start memorizing also. Due Friday.

Have a great evening!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. - All work to the end of Chapter 28.
Maths - Etudier pour la classe de demain. Questions 1,4,8 pour demain.
Francais - Discours a termine pour demain, apporter des fiches pour la classe de lundi.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework Mme Sprague

Math: p. 190 (textbook) # 1,2,4,8

French: Finish first draft of speech for tomorrow
Bring recipe cards for Monday

Language Arts: Many students have late assignments. Be sure to have them passed in for tomorrow.

Have a nice evening!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7C Homework

French - Invention Activity Due

Math - Finish package on fractions

Students going to the Legion tomorrow.

Homework Mme Sprague

Math: Finish sheet p. 177 (#1-7)
Make corrections and get test signed

Language Arts: Vocabulary 18-28

French: Rough draft of speech is due Feb. 4

Science: Get homework sheets signed (Many students did not get their test signed)
Assignment: Observation and Inference due tomorrow

We will be attending the Royal Canadian Legion tomorrow. A notice went home tonight. Please sign it and return to the school for tomorrow.

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. - Vocabulary 18 - 28.
Maths - p. 177 (feuille) 1 a 7 pour demain. Faire signer et corriger le test pour la classe de demain.
Francais - L'ecriture du discours pour le 4 fevrier.
Sc.Nat - Signer l'activite qui a ete corrige (Quantitative/Qualitative), Activite des observation/inferences pour la classe de demain.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins