Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

$3 for the Pizza Party tomorrow. We are purchasing the Pizza from Pizza Twice.

$5 Yankee Swap gift for tomorrow.

We will be doing a Locker Clean - up on Thursday during Period 1. Also, Thursday morning, we will be watching a movie in the theatre during Periods 2,3,4.

Thursday is a half-day. Walkers will be dismissed at the lunch bell and buses will begin to arrive shortly after that.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Bring in graph paper
Sheets on equivalent fractions due tomorrow

Social Studies: Finish Designer Label (Presentations start tomorrow)

Parents: It was announced today that Thursday is going to be a half day for students. The day will be over at 12:30.

Pizza party will be on Wednesday instead of Thursday. Students are asked to bring in $3 for tomorrow if they want to participate.

Secret Santa (optional) gifts will be exchanged on Thursday period 1.

Have a great weekend!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Finish sheets on equivalent fractions for Tuesday.
Bring graph paper Monday

Second Step: Designer Label (Cereal box is due on Tuesday)

A letter went home tonight with details on what will be happening at school next week.

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths- Sheet for Tuesday

On December 23rd, we are going to be showing a movie during Periods 2,3, and 4 in the theatre. Following the movie, we will be having our lunch period and then our outdoor noon hour. We will be having a pizza party for our team so we have decided that we will order the pizza to arrive at 12:45. From 12:45 - 1:20, we will have our pizza party in our respective homerooms, and I will be bringing in an ice cream cake for my homeroom class to enjoy :) We have also decided to have a Yankee Swap and it was decided that the kids would purchase a gift at a maximum cost of $5. This gift must not be gender specific. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Happy Holidays,
Mme Jenkins

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille a terminer pour demain
Sc.Hum - Designer label due: Monday
Sc.Nat - Test demain

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Sc.Nat - Test le 16 decembre. Etudier la feuille de revision. Last day for extra help will be tomorrow at noon.
Second Step - Bring in your materials.
Maths - Etudier pour le test.

Parent Perception Survey are due.
Team Reward will be occuring tomorrow during Periods 5 and 6. We will be going to the Indoor Pool.

Have a great night,
Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Finish review sheet from Friday. (#1,2,3,5,8). Homework will be checked tomorrow.

Science: Study review notes. Play Jeopardy game.

School Improvement Survey to be completed as soon as possible by parents.

Our team is going swimming tomorrow afternoon. Please bring your suits and towels.

Have a great night!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is this weekend's homework:

Maths - Sheet (p.164) #1,2,3,4,5,8
Sc.Nat - Test - le 16 decemebre. Etudier la feuille de revision et tu peux pratiquer le jeu de Jeopardy. Extra help for the Test will be offered next Monday and Tuesday at Noon :)

An information sheet went home regarding a Team Swim on Tuesday, December 14th. Also, we will be attending a Christmas Concert in the morning that will be put on by our school choir.
Parent Perception Surveys are due next week. I did receive many of them today, please continue to bring them in next week.

Have a great weekend,

Mme Jenkins

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille : les fractions
Sc.Nat - Etudie les questions 1 a 12.

Parent Perception Surveys went home today.

Have a great evening,

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

Math - Test
SS - Spelling Test
Parents/guardians are asked to complete the survey that your children have brought home. Surveys are to be returned on Friday.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7C Homework

I apologize for the lack of blogs in the past few days. I have been absent from school due to illness.

SS - first 6 provinces and capital cities for spelling
Math - Test Friday
LA - students who need to upgrade their 'Lyrics' projects are to come in at noon on Friday

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - p.106 #1,2,3,4,5
Francais - Les presentations continueront demain
Sc.Nat - Test - le 16 decembre
Sc.Hum - Annonce, Reaction

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - Les presentations des recits biographiques commenceront demain. Parents: I have been asked by the Dept. and the District to send some writing samples of my students work. I am very excited about this and I will be randomly selecting some students from both of my FILA classes. This week, I will send home the consent/permission form to do so. If your child has been selected and you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. The writing samples that I will be providing to both the Dept. and the District are copies of their "Recits Biographiques".

Sc.Nat - I handed back the Rubrique for their Biome Project. All students received them back today, don't forget to show Mom/Dad :) Students will also be having a Science Test next Thursday, December 16th. We started working on the Review Sheet today, and will continue on with the review tomorrow and Thursday in class. If they complete the Review Sheet and use that as their Study Guide, they will not have any problems with the Test next week. I am available for extra help at noon hour on the days that I don't have supervision which are Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. If you need help or just have a couple of questions, please come see me :)

All students in my homeroom went home with their Netbooks today. I also provided them with a copy of the Guidelines for Care and Use. Please continue to review these Guidelines with your child. I have explained to the students that it is important that they charge their netbooks upon arrival after school. Once they are done working with their netbooks in the evening, they are to shut down so that they save their battery power for the next day at school. Netbooks will only be charged during lunch hour in the nests so it is important that they come to school with them fully charged each day. As well, students were provided with their cases today. I would only like to see three items in their carrying case: their netbook, their cord/battery and their memory stick. Students are not to be putting pens, pencils, paper etc. in this carrying case. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.

Have a fantastic night,

Mme Jenkins

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lyrics as Poetry - Points of Order

Lyrics as Poetry – Points of Order

1) Ensure your song is a ‘clean’ version, acceptable for school.
2) Your slide order: Title Page, Lyrics, Meaning, 3 Poetic Devices (3 pages), End Page.
3) Your song may play in the background (YouTube) as you are presenting your lyrics or play from another computer from a key drive.
4) If you are planning a video, it is to be shared at the very end.
5) Do not put a timer in your project. It is to be operated manually.
6) Use capital letters for main words in titles and main words in song titles.
7) Underline a song title when listing it or referring to it.
8) You are to explore 3 poetic devices, each on its own slide. You require only one example of each.
9) Poetic Devices: definition, example, explanation.
10) Rhyme Scheme – try to have each line on one SINGLE line so that there is not a break.
11) Rhyme Scheme – analyze 2 verses only
13) Save your project as “Lyrics First Name Last Name”. Example: Lyrics Brent Springer.
14) You are to ‘drop’ your project into the appropriate 7C, 7D or 7E LA Drop Box entitled Lyrics as Poetry.
15) Please be aware of how you will be evaluated (checklist on pink form).
16) You must evaluate yourself on a pink grading sheet.
17) You are to attempt to speak about your project while facing your audience without reading word-for-word off the screen or computer. You are also expected to politely remind audience members to provide you with their respectful attention.
18) During each presentation, audience members are expected to be respectful, to listen and to participate in a serious and appropriate manner. A 10% listening component is part of students’ entire mark.
19) Those who are finished will begin presenting next class.
20) Date your project December 2, 2010.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

You are going swimming tomorrow, please don't forget your swim suits.

Maths - p.102 #1,2,5,6,7,8. Test jeudi (la multiplication)
Francais - Les recits sont a remettre mercredi.
Netbook Forms are due asap :)

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: p. 102 # 1,2,5,6,7,8
Test Thursday (Multiplication using models and without using models)

We had a wonderful time at Kings Landing yesterday. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day :)

Our pizza party for winning the Firefighters' Challenge will be this Thursday at lunch. Drinks and pizza will be provided!

Have a great night!

Kings Landing Recipes

Double click on the link above for two great Kings Landing recipes. Note, that walnuts are not necessary for the taffy. Enjoy!

LA Notes - Updated November 30

LA Notes

Symbolism - a symbol is a word or image that represents something else. The eagle is a symbol for the United States. The red maple leaf represents Canada. The dove is a symbol for peace. The colour white symbolizes purity.

Poets/songwriters use the symbol frequently because it often has a strong emotional impact as in the song Blackbird by Paul McCartney. The blackbird is not a bird at all, but represents the black race of people.

Simile – compares two or more unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Examples include: The elephant is like a rope. The ice was as smooth as glass. She is as tall as a giraffe. The teacher is like a drill sergeant.

Metaphor - compares two or more unlike things NOT using the words 'like' or 'as'. Examples include: The giraffe dunked the basketball. The noisy children were a carnival ride out of control. I am a brain in PRA.

Personification - giving human qualities to an idea, animal or object. Examples include: June bug plucking his guitar. The oversized coat swallowed me whole. The hole punch ate the sheet of looseleaf. The alarm clock was yelling at me this morning.

Rhyme Scheme - the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Mark the lines that end with the same sound with a letter. Begin with the letter 'a', and then mark each new sound at the end of a line with a new letter. Example:

This bridge will only take you halfway there .......... a
To those mysterious lands you long to see: ............ b
Through gypsy camps and swirling Arab fairs ........... a
And moonlit woods where unicorns run free ............. b
So come and walk awhile with me and share ............. a
The twisting trails and wondrous worlds I've known. ... c
But this bridge will only take you halfway there- ..... a
The last steps you'll have to take alone. ............. c

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

On doit continuer avec le travail des projets (Francais) mardi et mercredi de la semaine prochaine. On presentera les projets jeudi.

** Monday, we are going to Kings Landing for "Christmas Past". If you have not handed in your permission slip and $10, please do not forget to hand it in on Monday so that you can come along. ** Also, for Monday, please make sure you pack a lunch as we will only be returning back to school by 1:30 **
** Students in 7E need to hand in the Netbook forms as soon as possible as we are unable to allow the netbooks to go home until they have all been handed in. **
** Also a reminder of our Parent - Teacher Interviews that are schedule this evening and tomorrow morning. Tonight's meetings have all been pre-scheduled. Tomorrow moring, parents are able to schedule interviews with your child's teaching team and then during the later part of the morning, there are open interviews available on a first come first serve basis. Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to call the school 453-5436.

Have a terrific long weekend,

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

Monday - Visit to Kings Landing
Students MUST bring a bagged lunch and warm clothes.
We will return in time to 'catch' school buses to go home.

Social Studies - Map & Title Page Project overdue.
Language Arts - Lyrics as Poetry Project due next Thursday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Assignment (Problemes Pratiques) is due tomorrow
Get test signed and finish corrections
Get Quiz signed and finish corrections

Science: Biome project is due Wednesday

French: Project is due Monday

Social Studes: Get project mark signed (Mon portrait)

Bring in your 10 dollars and permission slip for Kings Landing (Christmas Past). Trip is on November 29.

Get Report Card envelope signed

Congratulations to our class on winning the Firefighters' Challenge!!!!! I am so proud of all of you :)

7C Homework

Math - Assignment Due Wednesday
SS - map & title page due Thursday

Kings Landing - $10 due Thursday
Cat or Dog Food for Wednesday
Swim suits, towels, dry clothes for Wednesday

Monday, November 22, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Science: Biome projects due Wednesday

Math: Assignment (word problems) due Wednesday

French: Project due next Monday

Firefighters' Challenge is tomorrow! Wear comfortable clothing and come ready for a great day!

Kings Landing: Bring in your ten dollars for our trip next Monday!

Have a great night!!!

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths: Problemes Pratiques a remetre mercrdi.
Francais: Les projets sont a remettre lundi prochain.
Sc. Nat: Les projets sont a remettre mercredi.

Dog and Cat food for SPCA
Parent teacher Thursday and Friday (see previous post)
Netbook meeting tonight in the theatre at 7:00 pm
Report cards went out today, the need to be brought back signed and with a comment by Wednesday.
Kings landing - $10 and permission slip.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Probleme a remettre le mercredi 24 novembre

Francais - Continuer a travailler ton recit biographique

Sc.Nat - Continuer a travailler ton biome.

** Please refer to yesterday's post with regards to following information :

1) Dog/Cat Food (wet or dry)
2) Firefighter's Challenge (November 23rd)
3) No School for Students (November 26th)
4) Report Cards (Going home on November 22nd)
5) Parent - Teacher Interviews (November 25th and 26th)
6) Netbook Meeting for 7E (Information went home on this today and 7E's meeting is on Monday at 7pm in our theatre)
7)Trip to Kings Landing (November 29th, Cost $10).

As always, please contact me with any concerns/questions that you may have. Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday :)

Mme Jenkins

Thursday, November 18, 2010

7C Homework

Math - Sheet

LA - Sloppy Similies Sheet

VERY IMPORTANT meeting for all parents/guardians regarding Netbooks. The meeting takes place next Monday (November 22) at 7 pm in our theatre.

Report Cards will be going home on Monday. Please refer to the school website for information regarding appointment times and schedules.

There is no school for students next Friday.

We will be taking students to Kings Landing on Monday, November 29th. Please refer to the notice that will be sent home tomorrow regarding the cost and information on this activity.

Firefighter's Challenge for students next Tuesday.

Students are encouraged to bring in dog and cat food in support of the SPCA. This is a school challenge in conjunction with the Firefighter's Challenge. The class that brings in the most amount of items will win an ice cream party. This information can also be found on the school website.

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille # 1- 9 pour demain.

Francais - On continuera a travailler sur le recit biographique demain en classe.

Sc.Nat - On presentera les biomes lundi.

L.A. - Sheet (Yellow) for tomorrow.

** Report Card will be going home on Monday. Please refer to the school website for information regarding appointment times and schedules. **
** There is no - school for students next Friday. **
** We will be taking the students to Kings Landing on Monday, November 29th. Please refer to the notice that was sent home today regarding the cost and information on this activity. **
** Firefighter's Challenge will occur next Tuesday **
** There is an information session that Parents are to attend regarding the Netbooks next Monday and Tuesday evening. All parents must attend one of the sessions being offered. Please refer to the School's Website for further information regarding this very important meeting. **
** Students are encouraged to bring in Dog/Cat Food in support of the SPCA. This is a school challenge in conjunction with the Firefighter's Challenge. The class that brings in the most amount of items will win an ice cream party. This information can also be found on the school website. **

Have a terrific night and please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail should you have any questions or concerns.

Mme Jenkins

LA Notes

Symbolism - a symbol is a word or image that represents something else. The eagle is a symbol for the United States. The red maple leaf represents Canada. The dove is a symbol for peace. The colour white symbolizes purity.

Poets/songwriters use the symbol frequently because it often has a strong emotional impact as in the song Blackbird by Paul McCartney. The blackbird is not a bird at all, but represents the black race of people.

Simile – compares two or more unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Examples include: The elephant is like a rope. The ice was as smooth as glass. She is as tall as a giraffe. The teacher is like a drill sergeant.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Sheet (Finish 1, 2, 3)

Bring your ideas for the Firefighter's Challenge Poster Contest!!!!!!

Have a great night!

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille 1 - 5 pour demain
Francais - L'ecriture des recits doit etre fini pour vendredi
Sc.Nat - Le projet de biomes est a remettre lundi

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Review multiplying with decimals
Sheet (lesson 5) due tomorrow
Quiz Friday on multiplying decimals

Have a great night!

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Une feuille de multiplication pour demain.

Francais - L'ecriture de ton recit biographique a finir pour la classe de vendredi.

Sc.Nat - Le projet de ton biome pour vendredi.

Report Cards are going home on Monday, November 22nd.

Parent - Teacher Interviews are scheduled for November 25th and 26th. Please refer to the school website for more information.

Firefighter's Challenge is next Tuesday, November 23rd.

Have a great night,
Mme Jenkins

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7C Homework

Math: Sheet 1 - #1,2,3,4
Math: Sheet 2 - #1,2,3

No School on November 11

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Finish #1 on sheet
Test Friday

Social Studies: Mon portrait (project) is due on Monday

Remembrance Day Ceremony is tomorrow period one.

There will be no school on Thursday November 11 for Remembrance Day.

Have a nice evening!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Get quiz signed tonight and don't forget to correct it
Review sheet is due tomorrow
Test Friday

Social Studies: Project (Mon Portrait) is due on Monday, November 12

Have a nice evening!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

7C Homework

SS - test on Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - test lundi, etudier les notes, feuille (division) pour demain
LA - Famous Person (BIO)
Francais -1 paragraph pour la classe de demain.

Have a great night,
Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

French - Complete Chapter 2 for Monday's class

Math - 2 sheets

SS - open book test coming very soon. Students have a review sheet and note from which to work

LA - Famous Bio Poems are due

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

7C Homework

Math - Practice Questions
Math - Addition and Subtraction sheet is due Friday

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - A corriger (addition et soustraction).

Francais - Next week during my absence, students will be working on their recit biographique. This has been explained in great detail and students will have next week to work on their first draft. This is not a group project, they will be completing this on their own. The criteria for this writing assignment will be to follow the format of the informative texts we have been reading, and writing in both the past and imperfect tense.

Sc.Nat - Students will be learning about biomes starting tomorrow. Next week, again during my absence, students will have the choice to work with a partner or on their own. They must imagine that they are a travel agency and attract tourists to visit their particular biome. All criteria for this project will have been gone over with the students prior to Friday. They will have all of next week to work on this project. I have not set a due date as I will allow a couple of days upon my return to finish up this project as there a quite a few steps to complete. The kids are quite excited and I am sure their projects will be fantastic :)

*** Firefighter's Challenge is scheduled for November 23rd ***
*** Report Cards for First Term will be going home on November 22nd. Parent teacher interviews are scheduled by teachers for November 25th. Parents are able to schedule meetings on the morning of the 26th. During the later part of the morning, there will also be an open time for drop - ins. Please be advised that we meet as a team. ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Test tomorrow
Study: Divisibility Rules
Forme Decomposee (Expanded form)
Rounding Numbers (Arrondir)
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Place Value (Position des nombres)

Social Studies: Project is due Friday

Science: Adaptations project is due tomorrow

Dance tomorrow night 6-8:30 (You can dress up but masks are not allowed)

We are still collecting money for team t-shirts

Have a nice evening!

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Etudier pour ton test que tu auras demain.
Francais - On continuera avec l'ecriture du passe compose et l'imparfait demain
Sc.Nat - On continuera avec les presentations des projets "Les adaptations" demain.

***Interim Reports are due***

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Test a faire signer et corriger pour demain, test vendredi, feuille (addition et soustraction) pour demain.
Sc.Hum - Projet a remettre vendredi
Sc.Nat - Projet a remettre demain (les adaptations)

***I have received most of the Interim Reports back, however, I am still missing a few. Please try to have them in by tomorrow. ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Make corrections on your test and get it signed
Assignment on addition and subtraction is due tomorrow
Work on review sheet for the test on Thursday
Review for test: Forme Decomposee
Postition des nombres
Regles de divisibilite
Arrondir les nombres
Addition et Soustraction des nombres

Extra Help will be held during LTT tomorrow

Social Studies: Project (Citation des sources) is due on Friday

We are still collecting money for Unicef.

We are also collecting money for t-shirts for the team. We would like to wear them for the Firefighter's Challenge in November.

School Clothing forms went home last night.

Interim reports went home on Monday night. Please sign it and return it to the school tomorrow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Assignment on addition and subtraction of decimals is due on Wednesday
Sheet on Rounding #1-7 is due for tomorrow

Social Studies: Project (PowerPoint) on Citing Sources is due on Friday. Tomorrow is the last day to work on these in class.

Please get your money in for team t-shirts as soon as possible!!!!

Unicef: Friday you will be allowed to chew gum if you bring in $1 for Unicef

Notices went home tonight for purchasing school clothing.

Interim reports went home tonight. Please sign and return them to school in the morning.

Have a nice evening!

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Interim Reports went home today. Please, parents, write a comment in the section provided on the report and have it returned to the school with your child by Friday.

Maths - Feuille #1-7 a remettre demain, Addition et Soustraction a remettre mercredi.
Francais - Tu dois ecrire 2 phrases a l'imparfait et au passe compose pour la classe de demain.
Sc.Nat - Tu auras une derniere classe pour travailler sur ton projet "les adaptations"
Sc.Hum - Projet - Citation des sources a remettre vendredi.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Math - Feuille pour la classe de mercredi
Sc.Nat - La date de remise pour ton projet est mardi

Important notices:

** Interim Reports will be going home on Monday. Please note that this is a report indicating your child's Academic and Behavioural Performance. Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on November 25th and 26th following the distribution of Report Cards for the 1st Term.
** This year, the Firefighter's Challenge will be occuring on November 23rd.
** Thank you to everyone for purchasing your team t-shirt. All money has been received :) It will be really exciting to wear them at the Firefighter's Challenge in November.
** UNICEF will continue next week. Any spare change you have is always greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend, I will see you on Monday!! :)

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

T-shirt money is overdue - $7.00

Don't forget the UNICEF campaign.

Interim Report Cards go out on Monday.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

7C Homework

Math - Test on Place Value
French - Hallowe'en story for next class

T-shirt money - $7.00
Friday - pay a buck; wear a hat. All proceeds going to UNICEF.

Interim Report Cards go out Monday.

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Please see the information regarding Interim Report Cards, UNICEF, T- Shirts, Firefighter's Challenge, Parent Teacher Interview Times for November in previous posts.

UPDATE: The Firefighter's Challenge is currently scheduled for November 23rd.
UPDATE: Tomorrow is Hat Day in support of Unicef. Pay $1 and you are able to wear your hat for the day.

Maths - Feuille: Addition et soustraction a remettre mercredi prochain
Sc.Nat - On continuera a travailler sur les adaptions demain
Francais - Demain, on pratiquera l'imparfait :)

Have a great night,
Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Sheet on adding and subtracting decimals is to be passed in on Wednesday
Quiz tomorrow on place value

We would love to have all t-shirt money in next week. Please send in $7.

We are collecting money for Unicef until the first week of November. Any spare change will do.

Literacy Assessment will continue tomorrow for all students who went to Tim Horton's Camp.

Interim Reports will be going home on Monday.

Have a nice evening!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - 2 feuilles a terminer pour la classe de vendredi.

Welcome Back From Tim Horton's Camp!!!! I hope that you had a great time and I can't wait to see you all in the morning :)

Please see the information in previous posts with regards to the Team T - Shirts, the UNICEF campaign, Interim Reports, Parent Teacher Interviews following the First Report Card, and the Firefighter's Challenge.

See you in the morning,

Mme Jenkins

Please note, that all students who attended the Tim Horton's Camp will be completing the assessment both tomorrow and Friday during the morning. Please be reminded to have extra pencils, erasers, and a blue or black pen on hand for the assessment. Tomorrow, students will be completing the Reading Comprehension Component, followed by the Writing Component on Friday. Students are permitted to use a dictionary for Day 2 (Friday) of the Assessment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

7C Homework

Math - complete sheet

T-shirt money - $7.00
UNICEF campaign - donations

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. - Day 2 of the English Language Arts Assessment will occur tomorrow. Tomorrow students will be completing the writing component. Please be reminded that you will have 90 minutes to complete this section. Students will have to plan, write the first draft, edit and write the final copy all within that time frame. Should students require extra time, they are all permitted to continue working on their assessment in the Methods and Resource Room. Don't forget your pencils and your erasers. I will have some dictionaries available in our classroom. Students will also be given a granola bar prior to the assessment to hold them over until Nutrition Break. I am very pleased to say that all students did very well today completing Part 1 (Reading Comprehension). All students were really focussed, they took their time and had lots of time to complete this portion of the assessment. Way to go !!!

UNICEF Update - We have raised a total of $9.09. Continue to bring in some spare change from home if you have Mom or Dad's permission.

T - Shirts - The last day to pay for our Team T - Shirts is this Friday, October 22nd. The cost is $7.

Interim Reports are going home on Monday, October 25th. Please be advised that this report indicates how your child is succeeding both Academically and Behaviorally. Once you receive the report on Monday, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail or by calling the school. Also, I ask that all my homeroom students have either Mom or Dad (or both) write a comment in the "Comment Section" to indicate how they feel their child is succeeding thus far. Just a look ahead, Parent Teacher Interviews (For Report 1) are scheduled for November 25th (evening) and 26th (morning) - more information will follow.

Our annual Firefighter's Challenge will occur in November. This is an exciting event that all students and staff look forward to. We will also be wearing our new team t-shirts at this event.

Sc.Nat - Tu dois choisir ton animal (sauvage/aquatique) pour ton projet "Les Adaptations".

Francais - Tu dois lire les structures au passe compose.

Have a great evening,

Mme Jenkins

Monday, October 18, 2010

Here is tonight's homework:

Just a few reminders tonight:

1) UNICEF campaign began today: All students are encouraged to bring in some change for our "pig". We will be having a "hat day" in order to raise money for UNICEF. Don't forget to pay $1 to wear your hat on Friday :) I will provide an update tomorrow letting you know how much our class has collected thus far.
2) Language Arts Literacy Assessment begins tomorrow. Students will be writing the assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Please don't forget your pencils, erasers, dictionary etc.. to write the assessment. Students will be provided with a juice box and a granola bar prior to the assessment. Tomorrow, the students will be writing from 9:00 - 10:30. Due to the fact that they assessment will occur during Nutrition Break, students will have their Nutrition Break from 10:30 - 10:45 (following the assessment). All students are encouraged to do their best on the evaluation. Students that are attending the Tim Horton's Camp in Nova Scotia will be writing their test upon their return back to school (on Thursday and Friday).
3) Interim Reports will be going home on October 25th. This is a great indicator on how your child is succeeding thus far. The report will follow the same format as last year that will indicate their Academic and Behavioural Performance thus far. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or by phoning the school.
4) Maths - Feuille a terminer pour demain (les 2 cotes)
5) Francais - Terminer votre paragraph pour demain (Passe Compose)
6) Sc.Nat - Terminer les 5 adaptations pour ton animal pour demain. On discutera demain :)
7) $$$ for the Team T - Shirts are due by Friday. Just a reminder that they cost $7. We are planning on wearing them for the Firefighter's Challenge in the later part of November.

Have a great evening and I'll see you in the morning,
Mme Jenkins

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

No Homework this weekend :) !!!!

However, I do have some important information/reminders to share :

1) Interim Reports will be going home on October 25th
2) The English Language Arts Assessment is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. If your child is attending the Tim Horton's Camp on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, he/she will be completing the assessment upon his/her return to school on Thursday and Friday.
3) We have begun our UNICEF campaign today and have already started to collect money. Thank you to all those who contributed today. We will to collect over the next little while so please try to bring in any change you may have to contribute to our "pig".
4) Students will have until next Friday, October 22nd to bring in their money for our team t-shirt. The cost is $7. Most of our class have already reserved their t-shirt with the rest intending on purchasing them next week. If there are any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or by calling the school.

Have a wonderful weeknd, try to stay dry and I will see most of you on Monday for another great week !!!! :) For those of you heading to the Tim Horton's Camp, have a wonderful time and be sure to bring back lots of pictures to share with the class !!!

Mme Jenkins

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - Relire les structures au passe compose
L.A. - Literacy Assessment begins next week. For those students that we be travelling to the Tim Horton's Camp, you will be completing the assessment upon your return back to school.
Maths - Etudier la table de multiplication

*** Interim Reports will be going home on October 25th ***
*** Money for our Team Shirts are due by next Friday, October 22nd ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Study Multiplication Tables to 12

Picture Retakes are tomorrow!!!

$7 for t-shirts

Parents: Please be advised that I will be away at Tim Horton's Camp next week Mon-Wed. There will be a supply teacher here so homework will not be posted on the Blog. Homework will be written down on the board in the class daily.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Picture Retakes are on Friday!!!

Math: Finish sheet p. 195 on place
Get test signed

Please bring in your $7 for T-Shirts ASAP

Have a great night!

7C Homework

LA - rough writing draft

Math - Test Signed; do corrections; finish folder. Be prepared for math class - pencils sharpened, bring duo tangs and books ready.

T-shirt money - $7.00
Terry Fox $$ - $1.00
Pop Can Tabs

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille 195 pour demain

*** All money must be in for your t-shirts by next Friday, October 22nd. ***

*** Interim Reports will be going home on October 25th. ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Feuille (Position des nombres), duotang, hilroy pour demain, test a faire signer et a faire corriger, quiz demain.
Francais - La lecture partagee.
Sc.Nat - Faire signer ton evaluation de ton projet (Mon Ecosysteme).

*** Please don't forget your $$$ should you wish to purchase a team t-shirt. ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Bring in a Duo Tang
Bring in a Hilroy notebook
Finish Sheet for tomorrow on decimal place value
Quiz tomorrow on decimal place value
Get test signed and corrected for tomorrow
There will be extra help during LTT tomorrow and at noon on Thursday.

French: Finish (lecture partagee)

Science: Get project mark signed

English Book Fair is from Oct. 19-21 here at the school.

Bring in money for team t-shirts ($7)

Picture retakes are on Friday!

7C Homework

LA - Story Web & Brainstorming

T-shirt $$ due - $7.00

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Netbooks arrived today! They will remain in the classroom until further notice.

English Book Fair will be held October 19-21 here a the school. A notice went home tonight.

Math tests will be returned on Tuesday after the long weekend. Two students still had to write today.

Math Extra Help will be held on Wednesday, October 13th during LTT and on Thursday, October 14 at noon.

Math Test: Friday October 15 (Decimal Place Value and Comparing Decimals)

Have a restful long weekend!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

French: Texte Informatif to finish for tomorrow

Please continue to sell magazines!!!!

No school on Oct. 7 and 8 (Teachers will be attending Professional Development)

No school on Monday, Oct. 11 (Thanksgiving)

Netbook Rollout is tomorrow. Two people still have not brought in the Acceptable Use Agreement.

See you all tomorrow!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Finish sheet 2.2 on place value

Social Studies: Droits et Pouvoir is due tomorrow

Science: Ecosystem project is due tomorrow

French: Texte Informatif is due Wednesday

Parents: Please be reminded that this is a short week for students. There will be no school for students on Thursday and Friday.

The Netbooks have arrived and will be passed out to our team on Wednesday. Please be advised that if the students have not signed the Acceptable Use Agreement form that went home last week they will not be allowed to work on the Netbook. Netbooks will NOT be going home with the students for the time being.

Collection Day for the magazine campaign is tomorrow. We are $1000 dollars behind the first place class!!!

Have a nice evening :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Sc.Hum - Projet a remettre mardi
Francais - Activite d'ecriture a remettre mardi
Sc.Nat - Projet a remettre lundi

Have a great weekend :)

Mme Jenkins

Thursday, September 30, 2010

7C Homework

LA - Spelling Test
Math - Test
SS - bring in pictures and magazines

Girls - HPV Forms
Terry Fox - $1.00

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. - 15 sentences and spelling test.
Maths - Test demain (Regles de divisibilite)
Sc.Hum - Droits et Pouvoir pour mardi
Sc.Nat- Projet a remettre lundi

Continue to sell the magazines

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

7D Homework (Mme Sprague)

Math: Test tomorrow (Divisibility Rules)
Extra Help was held yesterday during LTT and today at noon

Social Studies: Droits et Pouvoir is due on Tuesday

Science: Project (Ecosystem) due Tuesday

L.A.: Spelling test on Monday

Our Terry Fox Walk was a great success today.

Have a great evening!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

7C Homework

LA - Spelling Test - 18 words
French - story due
Math - 2 practice sheet for Friday's test
SS - need old magazines

LA - need spelling and journal notebooks

TERRY FOX - $1.00

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Parents: I apologize for not having the homework written on the BLOG this week. I was out of town at a funeral. As mentioned at Meet the Teacher, when a teacher is absent the homework does not get posted for that night. The students have been doing very well with writing their homework in their agendas on a daily basis. Thank you for your understanding.

Homework for tonight:


  • p. 8 #1
  • p. 9 # 3
  • p. 12 #1,2,3
  • Test on Friday (Study Divisibility Rules and Multiples)
  • Extra Help was held today during LTT and will be offered tomorrow at lunch for 7CDE

Social Studies

  • Project (Droits et Pouvoir) due Tuesday

Terry Fox Walk is tomorrow period 4. Please bring in your donation ($1)

Magazine Campaign: Tomorrow is double day so make sure you sell as many magazines as you can before tomorrow!

Have a great evening!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Test vendredi.
Francais - Faire signer les deux textes.
Sc.Nat - Faire signer ton ecosysteme.

*** Terry Fox Walk will occur on Thursday Period 4 *** Please bring in your loonie :) ***
*** Double Day for Magazine Campaign is Thursday !!! SELL, SELL, SELL !!! ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

LA - Spelling Test - 16 words
Math - 2 practice sheets for Friday's test
French - story due Thursday
SS - bring in old magazines to cut up

Need a journal notebook and a spelling notebook

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Test vendredi (les regles de divisibilite et les multiples)
Sc.Nat - Le projet continueront demain

Magazine Kick - Off is tomorrow at 10:15
Terry Fox Walk is on Thursday during Period 4. Please don't forget your loonie.

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

LA - last chance to pass in iTunes letter
LA - need a journal notebook (Hilroy)
French - narrative story due Thursday
Math - Test on Friday (divisibility rules/multiples)

$1.00 for Terry Fox Walk
$1.00 for play

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is your homework:

Maths - Etudier les regles de divisibilite.
Francais - Texte Informatif pour lundi (John P. Humphrey)

*** Terry Fox Walk $1 - September 30th Period 4 ***

Have a great weekend,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Study divisibility rules
Math test went home to be signed and corrected on Thursday night

French: Final copy of John P. Humphrey due Tuesday

L.A.: Rewrite letter using editing symbols for Monday

We are still collecting one dollar for the Terry Fox Run on Sept. 30.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

7C Homework

Language Arts - complete iTunes letter

Terry Fox - $1.00
Play Fee - $1.00
Medical Forms, Student Information Forms
Book Order $$ Due on Tuesday

Thursday, September 23, 2010

7C Homework

LA - iTunes letter to be completed

Math - get quiz signed and finish sheet

Still need $1 for the play, $1 for Terry Fox Walk, medical forms, student information forms, Kleenex

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Maths - Terminer la feuille. Faire signer et corriger votre test.
Sc.Hum - Qui est Nelson Mandela?
Sc.Nat - Les objets pour ton projet (Mon Ecosysteme)

** Terry Fox $1 - as soon as possible **
** Student Fee **

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

7C Homework

French - rough copy of Camping text for next day
Math - LCM Sheet

Sorry for the lateness of this posting.

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - Relire les notes de John P. Humphrey

Maths - Etudier les regles de divisibilite (2,3,4,5,6,10), Feuille (1-6)

Sc.Hum - 5 formes d'autonomisation pour vendredi

**** Terry Fox $1 ****
**** Student Fee ****

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Math: Study divisibility rules
Sheet on Multiples

French: Read story about John Peter Humphrey

Sciences Humaines: 5 formes d'autonomisation is to be finished in notebook for Friday

Terry Fox Walk is on September 30. A one dollar donation is appreciated.

The last day for the French Book Fair is tomorrow. This is a great time to take advantage of the chance to get some great reading materials in French!!

It was very nice meeting many of you at Meet the Teacher last night! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!

Have a really nice evening!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Terminer ton dossier ce soir
Sc.Nat - Terminer l'activite de abiotique/biotique

Terry Fox $1
Meet the Teacher is tonight at 6:30

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Meet the Teacher is tonight at 7:00. All parents are to proceed to the Fieldhouse. Once the presentation is finished all parents will come to room 111 to meet the Pink Team teachers.

Terry Fox Walk is on September 30. A donation of one dollar is appreciated.

Scholastic Book Fair: Our class will be going to the fair tomorrow. There will be an opportunity to purchase books.

Math: Sheet- Applications et Exercices (1-6) for tomorrow
Folder with your name and activities coloured

Have a great evening! Hope to see you all tonight!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

7C Homework

No homework tonight!

Meet the Teacher - Tuesday Night

Some students still need to bring in: Student Fees, Information Forms, Medical Forms, $1.00 for Terry Fox Walk, $1.00 for the play, Kleenex

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - Activite d'ecriture pour demain

*** Students have been asked to bring in their $1 for the Terry Fox walk ***
*** Meet the Teacher is scheduled for tomorrow evening at 6:30 ***

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

French: Writing activity is due tomorrow

Science: Biotique/Abiotique (due tomorrow)

Math: Folder due Wednesday

Meet the Teacher is tomorrow night at 7:00. Parents will meet in the Fieldhouse and then proceed to meet the Pink Team teachers in room 111.

The French Scholastic Book Fair will be held at the school starting tomorrow. Our class will be visiting the Book Fair together on Wednesday if anyone wants to bring money.

Terry Fox Walk will be taking place on Sept. 30. A donation of one dollar is appreciated.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Orange Folders are now overdue.

Meet the Teacher is September 21st at 6:30

Terry Fox - Our walk has been scheduled for September 30th, with a raindate on October 1st. All students have been asked to bring in $1.

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

French - Writing Piece

LA - incomplete Grandpa letters & Mascot assignment (overdue)

Homeroom - Student fees, picture $$, medical forms, student information forms, $1.00 for play

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

French Book Fair will be taking place Sept. 21st-Sept. 23 here at the school.

Math: Quiz tomorrow
Bring glue/tape and pencil crayons/markers

Terry Fox Walk will be taking place on September 30. Please bring in one dollar for a donation for cancer research.

Have a great evening!!!!!

7C Homework

LA - Grandpa letters due Friday

French - 4 ideas

Math Quiz Friday

Still looking for many student fees, medical forms and student information forms.

Students are asked to bring in $1.00 each for Wednesday's play.

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

L.A. Grandpa letter (Good Copy) is due tomorrow
Maths - Quiz demain, Colle et ruban adhesif pour demain, Activite - les multiples pour demain

Meet the Teacher - September 21st at 6:30
Terry Fox - September 30th, Raindate is October 1st.

*** Student Fees *** are due

Have a great night,
Mme Jenkins

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Maths - Étudiez les définitions, du ruban adhésif ou la colle pour la classe de demain
Sc.Nat - Projet à remettre pour la classe de demain

**** Student Fees ****
**** Orange Folder ****
**** Terry Fox $1.00 - Septembre 30th or the raindate is on October 1st. ****
**** Reminder that for the next cycle (Day 1 - 6), as a class, you will be eating in the Conference Room from 11:45 - 12:00. This will occur every 3 weeks.

Have a great evening,
Mme Jenkins

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

French Scholastic Book Fair will be held on Sept. 21-Sept. 23 (Information was sent home last night)

The Terry Fox Walk will be taking place on September 30th. A donation of one dollar would be appreciated.

L.A.: Grandpa letter due next L.A. class

Science: 4 niveaux due tomorrow

Math: Bring tape or glue to class tomorrow

Have a great evening everyone!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

Reminder to parents: Meet the Teacher night has been changed to September 21

School Photo orders are due tomorrow

Scholastic Book Fair (French) booklets went home tonight. Sale will be held from Sept. 21- Sept. 23

Language Arts: Grandpa letter due next L.A. class

Math: Hilroy and binder will be checked tomorrow

Social Studies: Title Page is due tomorrow

French: 10 questions due tomorrow

Thank you to all of the parents who completed the parent homework (Million Words or less). Please feel free to pass it in if you haven't already done so. I won't be assigning any detentions :)

7C Homework

LA - bring looseleaf for letter writing
Math - Hilory notebook and pencils
French - 3 points for reading

Don't forget - student fee, pic $$, student info form, health form, Friends of NMS form

Mme Jenkins (7E)

L.A. - Rough copy for your Letter
Maths - Etudier les definitions, Hilroy et cartable pour demain, Feuille A -7
Francais - Le sondage (les 3 questions et les exemples)
Sc.Hum - Page titre pour demain

**** Meet the Teacher - September 21st at 6:30 ****
**** Orange Folder ****
**** Student Fee ****
**** Pictures are due tomorrow ****

Have a great evening,

Mme Jenkins

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Here is tonight's homework:

Francais - La fiche 7 pour demain
Sc.Nat - Le brouillon de ton projet pour demain
Maths - Etudier les 10 definitions, Hilroy pour mercredi, Quiz a faire signer
Sc.Hum - Page Titre a remettre le 15 septembre

Million Words or Less
Forms from Orange Folder
Student Fee
Meet the Teacher is next Tuesday at 6:30 :)

Have a great night,

Mme Jenkins

7C Homework

LA – Mascot form & final paragraph of letter
Math – need Hilroy notebook & pencils

Student fee due
Picture $$ due

Student info form overdue
Student medical form overdue
Friends of NMS letter to be returned

Students should have all supplies by now

Tues at noon – extra help for new students in Rm. 111

7D Homework (Mme Sprague)

Here is tonight's homework :

French: Fiche 7 (Finish for tomorrow)

Science: Finish rough copy of project

Math: Study 10 definitions for tomorrow
Make sure you have a binder and a Hilroy for Math (I will be checking on Wednesday)
Get quiz on numbers signed

Social Studies: Title Page is due on Wednesday (Today was the last day to work on it in class)

Have a great night everyone!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Homework 7D (Mme Sprague)

New date for Meet the Teacher is on September 21st.

L.A.- Mascot assignment is due on Monday

Science- Title page due Monday

Parent Homework (Million Words or Less) due Monday

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

7C Homework

LA - Mascot Assignment - due Tuesday

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mme Jenkins (7E)

Welcome back to another great school year :)

L.A. - Mascot assignment due on Monday
Maths - Quiz vendredi

Student Fee $30 per student or $40 per family
Million Words or Less
Health Form
Computer Use Agreement
Mme Jenkins' Letter
Student Data Form

***** These items are all due by Monday, September 13th *****

Please note, that the date for the Meet the Teacher has been changed to September 21st at 6:30

Have a wonderful evening and we will see you bright and early tomorrow morning,

7D Homework (Mme Sprague)

Welcome back everyone!

Homework for tonight:

1- All forms need to be signed and returned tomorrow

2- Thank you to the parents who have submitted their homework assignments already. Million Words or Less is due on Monday, September 13.

3- Please turn in Student Fees as soon as possible. ($30 for one student and $40 for a family)

4- The date for Meet the Teacher night has been changed. The new date is September 21.

5- Language Arts- Mascot assignment is due on Monday

6- Math- Quiz on numbers tomorrow

Have a great evening everyone! The weekend is just around the corner!!!!!

Please check our announcement BLOG if you need information on soccer tryouts.
(Students have the website address written down in their agendas.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7C Homework

French - Rough copy of writing activity

Student information & medical forms due Friday.

Student Fees ASAP.